"In many cases happiness is a role people play and behind the smiling facade there is a great deal of pain. When there is unhappiness in you, first you need to acknowledge that it is there. Don't say "I am" unhappy, the unhappiness is not "who" you are. Instead, realize that the unhappiness is only a temporary state. If something can be done about it do it. If not then say "Well this is just how it is". You can accept it or make yourself miserable. The Primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation itself; but your thoughts about it. Be aware of your thoughts and separate them from the actual situation. The situation it self is neutral. It is what it is. Rather than being the negative thoughts and emotions instead be the awareness behind them. When you are the awareness you are no longer at the mercy of the unhappiness." - A New Earth
We have to choose, we can either be the sum of our unhappiness or we can let them be. I like to think of it as; unhappiness is in a box and you have to live outside of the box. Let the unhappy situation be what it will be, but you don’t have to live in that state of unhappiness. Don’t ignore it but choose to live outside of it.