I was thinking… and am arrogant enough to believe that others want to read all about it. I'm a Brooklyn girl from a big loving and dysfunctional family. 600 miles away, making a home with the love of my life. These are my thoughts, my stories, my art. Enjoy!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I stay...

How did I get here to this place?
I look into a face I think I know
And the eyes looking back full of Sadness
Sympathy and fear
They whisper that they love me
So why am I still here?

I ask the little ones to take me with them
But they don’t know my words
Or what I say
The ones in the white coats
Talk about me but not to me
I want to go home
They pat my arm and look thru me

The two that come
Share their days and their lives
They clean me up and do my hair
But when I wake up no one's there

How did I get here to this place?
Eyes of sadness, sympathy and fear
They whisper that they love me
Why am I still here?

I sit in this room with the sad and lonely
But inside I feel like more
and remember a time when
I was anything but only
I had things to do and kids to feed
I had a responsibility to a higher power

Sometimes I close my eyes to ask for help
Though I can remember to who it is I talk
I sense someone does listen
I remember the streets of NY I’d walk
With a message
A message to share
I was surrounded by those lost and needy
With my word of hope a sense of care
The drug induced, sick and sad
They needed me and the job I had

How did I get here to this place?
I look into the eyes of those I think I know
Eyes of sadness, sympathy and fear
They whisper that they love me
But am I still here?

Looking out this window
Feels familiar like I’ve been here before
But when I look back
Back at the place I am
I expect to see more
I wonder where have they all gone
Or where have I been
He should be home soon
I remember with a grin

Here come the two
I know there should be others
But can’t remember who
They clean me up and do my hair
They talk of life and somehow I know they care.
But I remember so many others
I wonder where have they all gone

Take me with you I say
Eyes of sadness, sympathy and fear
They whisper that they love me
but they go home
And I stay here

- emily gonzalez

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